When it comes to tobacco, smokers - sans the snowman and the Sherlock Holmes' of the entire world - typically choose cigarettes or cigars. This results in a tobacco war between the 2 choices: in a scene straight out of West Side Story, one group claims cigarettes are better and one group counters declaring the cigar's superiority. Ashes fly, cigars cry on one another's shoulders, cigarettes filter out, and items get burned น้ำยาพอต.
To the cigar lover, the items that get burned are cigarettes: cigars lovers feel that their cigars are simply better. True cigar lovers typically look at cigarettes with an expression of disdain. For them, a lover of tobacco who smokes a cigarette is like a lover of fine food eating things made in an Easy Bake Oven.
Some cigarette lovers may disagree, believing that cigarettes are the best option of smoke. But other cigarette lovers may simply be intimidated by cigars: scared of a Henry Clay or even a La Aurora, they find comfort in a Benson and, obviously, a Hedges.
It's hard to blame these people. Cigars can appear scary, like a stay of tobacco lurking in a room closet, awaiting night to fall. Yet, like so many things, driving a car of cigars is unwarranted: people can crush cigars within an ash tray, on a sidewalk, on a trash can. For this reason, cigars should become more afraid of people than people are of them.
Once cigars are welcomed in to the hearts of tobacco lovers, they will usually find that they're not intimidating, they're just the opposite. Besides providing luxury, cigars offer a small number of other satisfying avenues, avenues that cigarettes get lost going down. It's due to this that people will now list the top five reasons cigars are a lot better than cigarettes.
1. The Length: Yes, size matters, at least as it pertains to tobacco. But size, for the goal of this argument, isn't about the physical amount of tobacco, it's about how long it lasts. Cigarettes are temporary, people often smoke then in ten or fifteen minutes. Cigars, however, last much longer. Smoking is pleasurable and that pleasure is greatly extended whenever a cigar is ignited.
2. The Sophistication: Sure, cigarettes sometimes look sophisticated, specially when people smoke them with a cigarette holder ala Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.But, all the time, cigars are a lot more synonymous with sophistication than cigarettes, at least in America. Simply smoking a cigar garners an expression of sophistication while smoking a cigarette usually requires a prop: a cigarette holder, a top hat, or even a monocle.
3. The Variety: I am sure cigarettes have some sort of variety - should they didn't, there will be no sense in the many different cigarette brands that exist. But, the variety usually includes certain cigarettes being lighter than others or some having less nicotine that their competing brand. Cigars, on another hand, instill a lot more variety. Cigars not merely look different, but they smell and taste different, really different. Different cigarette brands taste different too, but never to the extent of a cigar. While cigarettes typically don't travel down the flavor road, cigars do. Different cigars offer extremely different flavors: one cigar might have hints of leather and earth while another one may taste like coffee and chocolate.
4. The Bars: Ah, the cigar bar. Will there be anywhere more welcoming for the seasoned smoker? Cigar Bars certainly are a Mecca for the lover of tobacco, a location they could get a sense of true luxury. Some Cigar Bars let cigarettes in, welcoming their tobacco bearing cousins, but true Cigar Bars maintain signs of No (Cigarette) Smoking Allowed. Cigarettes, on another hand, have no Cigarette Bars to call their own. Well, not unless you count bowling alleys.
5. The Drinks: A lot of cigarette smokers prefer to couple a smoking with a cup of coffee or an alcoholic drink. But, does coupling a cigarette with these kinds of drink really enhance the ability? If the cigarette does not have any complementing flavors, probably not. Cigars, on another hand, go well with drinks. With a number of flavors, it's no problem finding a cigar that goes well with everything from an espresso to a coniac, from a package of scotch to a package of wine น้ำยาพอต.
From cigarette smokers to cigar smokers, smokers are on a single side: each of them love tobacco. Even so, cigars certainly are a little ahead of the kin: they can't help themselves; they're the favourite cousin.
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